Legal Services

Guardianships, real estate, partnerships and business, contracts, wills, family law, estate planning, intellectual property, bankruptcy, general counsel services, arbitration, mediation, HOA, employment, environmental, and more

Schofield Collaborative offers a wide array of legal representation and advice, including general counsel advisory services on retainer, alternative dispute resolution, and various subject areas surrounding business and family matters. Our principal, Ralph Schofield, has been practicing law in Florida since 2009, representing individuals, small and large businesses, state and federal government, and nonprofit organizations. He is also a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit-Civil and Family Mediator and a Florida Supreme Court Qualified Arbitrator conducting alternative dispute resolution services for the First Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, the Florida Department of Financial Services, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority in New Orleans and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Reach out today to discuss how we might assist you with your legal representation and advisory needs. We primarily use a flat fee and retainer models.

Schofield Collaborative - Pensacola, Florida - (850) 739-2742 -

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